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David Powlison

Cure of Souls (and the Modern Psychotherapies)

Journal of Biblical Counseling 25:2

In this article, David Powlison presents an overview of four areas in the biblical counseling movement. In Section 1, “The Counseling Revolution,” Powlison examines the different approaches and agendas of various counseling movements. In Section 2, “Epistemological Priorities,” he examines, what knowledge really matters for understanding and helping people and how various Evangelical counselors answer the question. In Section 3, “Our Theory of Motivation,” Powlison discusses that, at the center of every view of human nature is a theory of motivation, and the logical end of every theory of motivation is a cure. In Section 4, “Educating, Licensing and Overseeing Counselors,” he addresses the question of who should counsel and how should care be organized and delivered?

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