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Journal of Biblical Counseling

about the journal

Articles for biblical counseling & interpersonal ministry

For more than 40 years, CCEF’s Journal of Biblical Counseling has provided a forum for the development of clear thinking and effective practice in biblical counseling. We do this by publishing articles that faithfully bring the God of truth, mercy, and power to the issues that face the pastoral ministries of counseling and discipleship.

Journal articles cover a broad range of biblical counseling and methodology topics. Many are written by CCEF faculty, and we also welcome articles from other authors, pastors, and practitioners in the field.

The JBC Archive

Access to the digital JBC Archive is included with all individual subscriptions. The Archive includes all previous issues (over 1,100 articles) and is searchable and integrated into our website. With the online Archive, you will receive each new digital issue immediately upon publication.

$21 per year

$36 / $42 per year

$52 / $55 per year

latest issue

Vol. 38 No. 3

Letter from the Editor

Kimberly Monroe

To introduce this issue, Monroe recalls her negative perceptions of God before her conversion and how he has helped her shed and remake them over time. In her delight at noticing this, she observes, “As you read these articles, you will undoubtedly learn about counseling, but you will also see the beautiful character of God on display.”

Finding Refuge: Helping Those Who Re-Experience Traumatic Memories

darby strickland

This article focuses on how to recognize and help those whose traumatic memories intrude into their everyday lives in vivid and debilitating ways. Strickland shares about God’s heart for these sufferers and how to help those whose episodes can be so severe that they feel like they are re-experiencing their trauma all over again.

The Moses Dialogues: Knowing God as a Friend

ed welch

There are three dialogues between Moses and God in Exodus. Welch uses them to show how God seeks friendship with his people through back-and-forth, call-and-response interactions. Though few people in the Old Testament experienced this, Jesus has enlarged the invitation so we can all know the triune God as our friend.

The Connection between Everyday Ministry and Counseling

todd stryd

Did you know that what you do in counseling is not fundamentally different from what you do in everyday ministry at church or at home? Counseling is just a more specific application of God’s Word based on the needs and situation of the person you are helping. Using the biblical categories of love and humility, Stryd illustrates this continuity to help counselors feel less intimidated as they care for people in distress.

"You Are Here": Helping Strugglers Share Honestly

esther liu

Have you ever noticed that some people add theological qualifiers to descriptions of their suffering to avoid appearing spiritually immature? For example, “My life is so hard . . . but I know God is in control. I just need to trust him more.” Esther Liu uses the “You Are Here” star found on shopping mall directory maps to reorient counselees who make such statements. Her point is that in counseling, it’s better to be honest and locate where your “star” is on the map of your journey with God.

More Than a Proof Text: "Sometimes it's wise to let the sun go down on your anger." (Psalm 4:4–5)

aaron sironi

Most married couples are familiar with Paul’s admonition in Ephesians 4:26 to not let the sun go down on your anger. But in this “More Than a Proof Text” article, Aaron Sironi shows how Scripture offers another path in Psalm 4. The key is having the wisdom to know which passage is best for addressing the situation in front of you. If you do marriage counseling, be sure to read this!

book notes

Book Notes: Volume 5

michael gembola

One of Gembola’s goals in this column is to help you find what you need among all the books available on counseling and pastoral care. In this issue, he covers books on OCD, depression, friendships, building identity in Christ (for kids and adults), rest, and the benefits of hearing the Bible, not just reading it.

JBC Vol. 38:3 (2024)

Purchase the print or digital edition of the Journal of Biblical Counseling 38:3.

digital: $5

print: $13

Decorative background image

—David Powlison
Late Senior Editor of the JBC

Editorial Staff

Senior Editorial Board

Michael R. Emlet
J. Alasdair Groves
Edward T. Welch

managing editor

Kimberly Monroe

Developmental Editor

Lauren Whitman

consulting editor

Michael Gembola

assistant editor

Brandon Peterson


Aubrynn Whitted

More Information

JBC Submissions

We welcome articles from other authors, pastors, and practitioners in the field. Find out how to write for us below.

Write for the JBC

JBC Copyright Permissions

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Individual & Past Issues

Though subscribers receive each new issue as it's published, you may want to purchase individual or past issues. You can find them below. (Note: all subscribers receive access to the online JBC Archive, which contains all past issues.)

Volume 38 (2024)
Volume 37 (2023)
Volume 36 (2022)
Volume 35 (2021)
Volume 34 (2020)
Volume 33 (2019)
Volume 32 (2018)
Volume 31 (2017)
Volume 30 (2016)
Volume 29 (2015)
Volume 28 (2014)
Volume 27 (2013)
Volume 26 (2012)
Volume 25 (2007)
Volume 24 (2006)
Volume 23 (2005)
Volume 22 (2003–4)
Volume 21 (2002–3)
Volume 20 (2001–2)
Volume 19 (2000–1)
Volume 18 (1999–2000)
Volume 17 (1998–9)
Volume 16 (199782)
Volume 15 (1996–7)
Volume 14 (1995–6)
Volume 13 (1994–5)
Volume 12 (1993–4)
Volume 11 (1992–3)
Volume 2 (1978)
Volume 1 (1977)


This JBC collection for Logos includes 39 years of past articles (1977–2016; 99 issues). It contains the 36 issues of the Journal of Pastoral Practice as well as 63 issues of the Journal of Biblical Counseling (through 2016). The 99 back issues include nearly 1,000 articles, book reviews, sermons, interviews, and editorials.

In the Logos edition, you can search and read the entire collection in Logos apps everywhere, whether home, work, or mobile. The Logos edition currently includes issues through Vol. 30. Every few years Logos and CCEF will provide an update collection to add new issues to the collection. For more information about updates to your Logos product, please reach out to Logos Customer Service.

JBC on Accordance

This resource requires Accordance 10.4 or above. This JBC collection for Accordance includes 40 years of past articles (1977–2017; 102 issues). It contains the 37 issues of the Journal of Pastoral Practice as well as 65 issues of the Journal of Biblical Counseling (through 2017). The 102 back issues include nearly 1,000 articles, book reviews, sermons, interviews, and editorials.

In the Accordance edition, you can search and read the entire collection in Accordance apps everywhere, whether home, work, or mobile. The Accordance edition currently includes issues through Vol. 31. Every few years Accordance and CCEF will provide an update collection to add new issues to the collection. For more information about updates to your Accordance product, please reach out to Accordance Customer Service.

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