Julie Lowe responds to the question “Can I thrive as a person when my marriage is not thriving?”
To note: At minute 3:56, Julie mentions a passage from Romans 12, but the correct verse is in Romans 8 (verse 28).
Julie Lowe
July 12, 2016
Julie Lowe responds to the question “Can I thrive as a person when my marriage is not thriving?”
To note: At minute 3:56, Julie mentions a passage from Romans 12, but the correct verse is in Romans 8 (verse 28).
Julie Lowe served at CCEF for over 20 years in various capacities, including as a faculty member and counselor. She is a licensed professional counselor (LPC) and a registered play therapist supervisor and she holds a master of arts in counseling from Biblical Theological Seminary. Julie has extensive training and experience with marriage, women’s issues, sexual abuse, body image issues, parenting, and child maltreatment issues. She is trained in leading mandated reporter trainings and provides numerous trainings and consultations on child sexual abuse. She has published numerous books, including Child Proof (New Growth Press, 2018), Building Bridges (New Growth Press, 2020), and Safeguards (New Growth Press, 2022).
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