Loss: 2014 National Conference Download
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death of a dream...
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loss of a loved one...
Losses create struggles for all of us. These are the times we really need help. These are the times others need our help. How do you find help in a time of loss? How do you bring comfort to someone else? The topic of loss brings complexities and questions that few are prepared to face. This conference shows how the riches of Scripture speak directly to both the questions and complexities of loss and to a Redeemer who meets us in our losses.
Conference Details
- Conference Dates: Friday, October 3, 2014 to Sunday, October 5, 2014
- Conference Location: San Diego, CA
Product Details
- 8 General Sessions + 27 Breakout Sessions (28 hours of audio)
- Outlines & Slides included
- 1.15 GB
General Sessions
- All Is Lost | David Powlison
- I Will Bear Witness | Heath Lambert
- In It Together (Faculty Panel) | CCEF Staff
- Loss in the Life of Thomas Boston: Opening Death’s Hard Cold Hands | Aaron Sironi
- Loss: The Only Door to God | Winston Smith
- Partners in Suffering and Comfort | Mike Emlet
- Speaking Our Losses and Finding Refuge | Alasdair Groves
- The Apostle Paul’s Odd Balance Sheet | Ed Welch
Breakout Sessions
- Aging | David Powlison
- Angry Teens: Wisdom for Parents Who Fear Losing the Relationship | Rick Horne
- Childhood Lost: When the Joys of Childhood Have Passed You By | Julie Lowe
- Counseling Believers Who Are Losing Faith | Barbara Duguid
- Dealing with the Loss of a Pet | Julie Lowe
- Death of a Spouse: Counseling a Person Who Feels Like a Fraction | Robyn Huck
- Divorce Care: Ministering to a Person Experiencing Complex Grief | Winston Smith
- God Feels No Losses (Lucky for You) | Steve Estes
- God’s Grace When Facing Great Trials and Loss | Jim Newheiser
- Healing after the Trauma of Abortion | Aaron Sironi
- Helping Children and Teens Cope with Loss | Julie Lowe
- Helping Couples Struggling with Infertility | Mike Emlet
- Helping People Work through Grief | Todd Stryd
- Interacting with Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’s Theory | David Powlison
- King of the Flood | Dean Jones
- Kingdom Prayer: Powerful Hope for the Hopeless | Julius Kim
- Lost Trust: How Can It Be Regained? | Cecelia Bernhardt
- Redeeming Time When It Feels Like There’s Never Enough | Chris Carter
- Singleness: Loss…or Gain? | Jayne Clark
- Songs in the Night: Music, Hardship, and the Nearness of God | Matt Mason
- The Emotional Intensity of Loss | Todd Stryd
- The Suicide of a Loved One | Ed Welch
- Urban Missions: How Your Church Can Play a Role in Ministry to Poor and Imprisoned Believers | Rick Horne
- When a Child Dies | Alasdair Groves
- When Life Doesn’t Turn Out the Way You Expected | Kellie Sironi
- When My Loss is My Own Fault | Steve Estes
- “Who Am I Now?” A Loss of Identity | Robyn Huck