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Book cover for Relationships: A Mess Worth Making

Relationships: A Mess Worth Making

Written byPaul David TrippTim Lane

Your best friend is suddenly cool and distant. Your spouse can’t stop complaining about your bad habits. Your son refuses to talk to you. What are you supposed to do?

Plans A, B, and C might be to shut down, lash out, or get out. But consider Plan D: Recognize that God has the last word on those messy, conflict-ridden relationships. He can use them to make you into someone who can give and receive love—with God and others.

Impossible? Idealistic? Not really. In Relationships: A Mess Worth Making, Tim Lane and Paul David Tripp show you how God does it, and how it can happen for you. They help you tackle the stubborn problems that plague many close relationships. They show you the deeper issues that drive our reactions, choices, and behaviors. And they show you how God steps in to help you build relationships that are all he intended them to be.

About the Authors

Timothy S. Lane, MDiv, DMin, is a minister in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) with over 30 years of experience in pastoral ministry, counseling, teaching, and executive leadership. He is the author of several minibooks and the coauthor of the books How People Change and Relationships: A Mess Worth Making and the curricula Change and Your Relationships and How People Change. Tim speaks internationally, consults with churches and writes about the importance of pastoral care. For more information, visit his personal website at

Paul David Tripp, M.Div., D.Min., is president of Paul Tripp Ministries whose mission is to educate and equip today’s Christian by combining the in-depth study of God’s Word with practical life application. Paul is also a pastor with over fifteen years of pastoral ministry experience and the author of several best-selling titles including: Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands, Age of Opportunity, Lost in the Middle, and How People Change. Paul is married to Luella and has four grown children. For more information, visit his personal website at

Book Details

180 pages
Publisher: New Growth Press
Publication Year: 2010


Chapter 1 – The Shortest and Most Important Chapter of This Book
Chapter 2 – Why Bother?
Chapter 3 – No Options
Chapter 4 – Sin
Chapter 5 – Agendas
Chapter 6 – Worship
Chapter 7 – Talk
Chapter 8 – Obstacles
Chapter 9 – Forgiveness
Chapter 10 – Hope
Chapter 11 – Burdens
Chapter 12 – Mercy
Chapter 13 – Time and Money
Chapter 14 – Provision
Chapter 15 – Moving Out

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