Rest: 2024 National Conference Download
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Add to cartWhy is it so hard for us to find rest?
We need rest and we long for it, but it remains elusive. We blame our busy lives, fractured relationships, and the demands and allure of technology, but these are both causes and symptoms of our struggle. We will not find true and lasting rest if we limit our search to incremental changes such as a better sleep regimen or a simpler schedule, as helpful as these may be. True rest can only be found in God. It is a foundational way of living out the Christian life that can only be learned from him and put into practice amid the challenges of daily life.
This conference reflects on how Scripture unfolds what it means to rest, and how we can embrace its blessings as we grow in our understanding and commitment to this gracious invitation from our Savior.
Conference Details
- Conference Dates: Friday, October 4, 2024 to Sunday, October 6, 2024
- Conference Location: Chattanooga, TN
Product Details
- 7 General Sessions & 21 Breakout Sessions
- Outlines & Slides included
General Sessions
- Faith, Humility & the Way of a Child | Ed Welch
- Resting Is Harder than It Looks | Alasdair Groves
- Have I Done Enough? Navigating Limits as a Good of God's Creation | Kelly Kapic
- How Lament Leads to Rest | Mark Vroegop
- Cultivating Rest amid Ruptured Relationships | Darby Strickland
- Created to Do Good Work | Aaron Sironi
- Eternal Rest Today: Practicing Sabbath as a Foretaste of Our Future | Mike Emlet
Breakout Sessions
- Practices for Cultivating a Healthy View of Our Limits: Rhythm, Gratitude & Rest | Kelly Kapic
- Rest versus Escapism | Jeremy Pierre
- When Parents Feel Like Failures | Lauren Whitman
- Vacations & Sabbaticals: Getting Out of the Sprint-and-Crash Cycle | Brad Hambrick
- The Paradox of Pain & Rest | Sarah Walton
- Acedia & the Affliction of Restlessness | Eamon Wilson
- How Expectations Ruin Rest | Mark Vroegop
- Fostering Embodied Routines in Youth | John Perritt
- Neurodiversity & Rest | Michael Gembola
- Creating a Culture of Rest in Your Ministry | Jonathan Holmes
- Resting in Your Role: Principles & Practices for New Counselors | Todd Stryd
- Soul Rest for Today | Cecelia Bernhardt
- A Biblical Theology of Rest | Jeremy Pierre
- Rest, Sleep & the God Who Never Slumbers | Jonathan Holmes
- The Restless Nature of Technology | John Perritt
- Finding Rest in the Hard Cases | Eamon Wilson
- Mercy in Darkness: Gospel Rest for Downcast Moms | Christine Chappell
- Finding Rest in OCD | Steve Midgley
- Resting in Chaos: Bringing Order to Emotion Dsyregulation | Todd Stryd
- Friendship: The Rest of Being Genuinely Known | Brad Hambrick
- Transforming Weariness into Wisdom | Robyn Huck