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Step by Step

Written byJim Petty

How can I know God’s will for my life? Sifting through confusion about divine guidance, promptings, “fleece,” and inner voices, Petty clearly illustrates how to make biblically wise decisions.

About the Author

James C. Petty, MDiv, DMin, is executive director emeritus of the Children’s Jubilee Fund in Erdenheim, Pennsylvania.

Book Details

281 pages
Publisher: P&R Publishing
Publication Year: 1999


Part 1: The Promise of Guidance
Chapter 1 – Does God Guide Us?
Chapter 2 – How Does God Guide Us? Three Views
Chapter 3 – Guidance and the Promises of God
Part 2: Understanding Guidance
Chapter 4 – Guidance and the Plan of God
Chapter 5 – Guidance and the Word of God
Chapter 6 – Guidance and the “Individual Will” of God
Chapter 7 – Guidance and Christian Liberty
Part 3: Experiencing Guidance
Chapter 8 – Guidance and the Wisdom of God
Chapter 9 – Experiencing Guidance
Chapter 10 – Providence: The Left Hand of God’s Guidance
Chapter 11 – How to Become Wise
Part 4: Seeking Guidance: The Seven Elements of Biblical Decision Making
Chapter 12 – Consecration
Chapter 13 – Information
Chapter 14 – Supplication
Chapter 15 – Consultation
Chapter 16 – Meditation
Chapter 17 – Decision
Chapter 18 – Expectation

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