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Book cover for Struggling Through Singleness: Help for the Journey

Struggling Through Singleness: Help for the Journey

Written byJayne V. Clark

Are you struggling with singleness and wondering what God is up to? You have dreams and desires that seem to be unmet, and you feel unsettled and long for something more. In this Christian minibook on singleness, author Jayne V. Clark shares her journey of discovering that singleness is not the cause of loneliness and that the real solution to loneliness does not lie in marriage or in any human relationship, but in our relationship with God. Through Christ we are reunited to God and this, in turn, leads to our union with one another. In the midst of this reality, Clark encourages readers of this book to press into deeper relationship with the Lord and to wrestle honestly with him in the middle of disappointment and doubt, clinging to the one who is for us, loves us, and will never let us go.

Book Details

24 pages
Publisher: New Growth Press
Publication Year: 2020

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