But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope:
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.” (Lam 3:21–23)
Brokenness. It is an experience we have all had to some degree: loss of a job, a dream, a relationship. It could be death, destruction, disease, or disappointment. Perhaps you see yourself as broken and, as a result, rejection, injury, betrayal, disability, shame, or failure threaten to define you. To some degree or another, you and I have experienced brokenness. And the threat of being swallowed by the brokenness of our circumstances is ever-present.
Does brokenness threaten to discourage or undo you? Does it cause you to question God’s goodness or distrust him? Our inclination is to allow the brokenness of our circumstances to shape our view of God, to believe suffering means he is absent or indifferent.
The reality is we must allow what we know to be true of God and his ways to reinterpret our brokenness. He is not inattentive, even when he seems silent. He is up to good, even when evil is before us. He is faithful and kind, even in suffering. Lamentations 3:32 reminds us that, “though he brings grief, yet will he show compassion, so great is his unfailing love.”
If everything in your life feels shattered, take hope in these truths:
- Our difficult events will be transformed into good. Though loss, suffering, disability, and evil actions are hard and unpleasant; God is faithful. Through brokenness, he can and does perform great good.
- Our treasure from God can never be pilfered. God’s devoted love for us, his mercy, grace, comfort and presence; these things cannot be taken from us. Nothing in all creation can separate you from the love of God (Romans 8:38-39).
- We live for and endure for something grander—eternity. Brokenness does not have the ultimate victory. Whether the road is rough or smooth, we entrust our hope to a future life that will be free of suffering, grief, sin, and weakness. The brokenness in this fallen world is preparing for us a greater glory. We are being transformed into new creatures. We endure for his kingdom and his righteousness.
What might happen if we were to choose to trust in all that we know to be true and declared about God in his Word? How would this transform our brokenness? Consider what might happen if we were to be so utterly confident in him and his goodness that it changed our outlook, perhaps even gave us an appreciation for the brokenness we face. Our weakness keeps us dependent on his strength.
Embrace your brokenness, whether it is the brokenness of your circumstances or that which you see in yourself. Offer it to him. He desires his strength to be made perfect in your weakness. Rest is available when we abide in him. Live circumspectly, offer your life—even if it’s difficult—as a fragrant offering to him. By doing so, you are a conduit of his power and glory.