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Anxiety: 2019 National Conference Download


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We're all prone to anxiety. It's easy to understand why. We live in a world that is unstable and unpredictable. We care deeply about so much—our loved ones, our health, our careers—and yet we realize our inability to control any of it. An undercurrent of tension can ripple below the surface. Panic threatens to explode above the surface. Truly, anxiety can manifest itself in numerous ways, so how can we more deeply know the God of peace? He is a God who is near, so how can his voice become louder than our anxieties? How do his many promises settle into our hearts and lead us into trust and hope?

Conference Details

  • Conference Dates: Friday, October 11, 2019 to Sunday, October 13 2019
  • Conference Location: Birmingham, AL

Product Details

  • 7 General Sessions + 20 Breakout Sessions (20 hours of audio)
  • Outlines & Slides included
  • 1.6 GB

General Sessions

Breakout Sessions