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2022 National Conference

The Way of Wisdom

Delve into the Old Testament’s Wisdom Literature, and together we will pursue what it looks like to gain wisdom.

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"Who among you is wise?"

This question from James still penetrates deeply into our hearts and lives today. Wisdom is a quality we often admire, long for, and desperately need, both for ourselves and those we minister to. And yet, if we’re honest, gaining wisdom can be all too elusive. Scripture shows us the reasons this is true: folly entices us. Our lives encounter trouble every day, demanding that we discern how to live well in an ever-changing context. Far too often, we see how short we fall and are rendered speechless before James’s enduring question.

But there is hope. We have the Scriptures and we have Jesus who is the “wisdom from God.” This year, our conference will delve into the Old Testament’s Wisdom Literature, and together we will pursue what it looks like to gain wisdom. Together we will seek to apply the riches of these Old Testament books to our counseling, our relationships, and our lives.

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