Why is it so hard for us to find rest?
We need rest and we long for it, but it remains elusive. We blame our busy lives, fractured relationships, and the demands and allure of technology, but these are both causes and symptoms of our struggle. We will not find true and lasting rest if we limit our search to incremental changes such as a better sleep regimen or a simpler schedule, as helpful as these may be. True rest can only be found in God. It is a foundational way of living out the Christian life that can only be learned from him and put into practice amid the challenges of daily life.
At the 2024 CCEF National Conference, we considered how Scripture unfolds what it means to rest, and how we can embrace its blessings as we grow in our understanding and commitment to this gracious invitation from our Savior.
Leading Your Family to Rest
Check out our latest video in which Aaron Sironi, CCEF faculty and counselor, considers what it means not only to honor the Sabbath, but to enable and foster Sabbath for those under our responsibility.