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Find a Counselor Near You

View our list of biblical counselors

counselor list

This list includes graduates from our program and organizations that express alignment with our vision of care. However, please note that while we regularly train counselors and pastors, we cannot answer for the development of the counseling theory and practice of the counselors that appear on this list. It is our policy that we do not officially recommend any particular counselor outside of our own organization.

To view the list: By clicking the "I Agree" button below, you agree that you understand that CCEF is not recommending any particular counselor outside of our own organization.

choosing a christian counselor

Qualities of a Good Christian Counselor

A good Christian counselor is someone who

  • loves people, perseveres through tough times, and is confident that Jesus works redemptively through suffering and struggle.
  • believes that God's Word is sufficient to counsel for all of life's issues (2 Pet. 1:2-4; Heb. 4:12; 2 Tim. 3:16-17).
  • gives clear evidence of a vital personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • your pastor (or trusted Christian friend) believes would provide wise, biblical, loving, and faithful counsel.

Questions to Ask

It's important to ask prospective counselors about their theoretical orientation, their use of Scripture in counseling, and how Christ figures into the way they think about helping others. The questions below will help you get a clearer picture of what a counselor believes and how he or she conducts the counseling sessions. With your pastor, elder, or wise Christian friend, discuss the counselor’s answers in light of God’s Word.

  1. How would you describe your approach to counseling? How do you understand people's problems? How do you help them grow and change through counseling? Please describe the process.
  2. What books or other resources do you recommend on a regular basis? What books have most influenced your approach to counseling?
  3. Are you a Christian? How does your faith affect your view and practice of counseling?
  4. Do you bring Christian truth into your counseling practice? How? What role does Scripture play?
  5. Do you pray with those you counsel?
  6. Do you attend church? If so, where? How long have you been a member?
  7. What is your educational and professional background? What role does it play?
  8. Are you married? Do you have children? Have you ever been divorced? How does your marriage and family situation affect how you counsel people?

Counseling is an interactive process. It is established and maintained on the basis of trust. Open and honest dialogue between a counselor and a counselee is the most important component of building trust. If you cannot establish this foundation early on, and are not confident that the counselor will be wise, biblical, loving, and faithful in your interaction, you may need to look elsewhere. If you find a wise counselor who uses God's Word to help you grow in your Christian walk, your marriage, and your family, Scripture says you will be blessed!

This page draws from material developed by CCEF's David Powlison and Family Life Today of Little Rock, AR.

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