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David Gunner Gundersen

Dean of Faculty

Gunner is the Dean of Faculty at CCEF, where he has served since 2024. He holds a PhD in biblical theology from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and a master of theology and master of divinity from the Master’s Seminary. Prior to joining CCEF, Gunner served as a lead pastor for seven years, after working for fifteen years in Christian higher education as a resident director, director of student life, associate dean of men, and biblical counseling professor. Gunner has a passion for helping believers live consciously in the story Scripture tells, equipping the local church for interpersonal ministry, strengthening pastors, and biblical preaching and teaching. He has published the Psalms notes for The Grace and Truth Study Bible (Zondervan, 2021), What If I Don’t Feel Like Going to Church? (Crossway, 2020), and numerous essays and articles on the Psalms and adoption.

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