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Redeeming Anger in a World Gone Mad: 2005 National Conference Download


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6 general sessions and 11 breakout sessions

What do you do when something important to you isn't the way it's meant to be? Do you get angry—or "just" irritable, defensive, and bitter? Every human being deals with anger. In a world full of disappointments, imperfection, misery, and sin, anger is a given. And though our anger often becomes a part of the problem, it needn't be that way. The Bible tells us that our good and merciful God is the angriest person there is. When he looks at evil, "his anger does not turn away."

The fact that God gets angry tells us something important. Anger can be utterly right, good, appropriate, and beautiful, the only fair response to something evil, and a loving response on behalf of evil's victims.

The problem is that, when we are angry, we don't respond like God does. When God's anger is aroused, he acts redemptively and mercifully. He sends his Son to pay the price for the evil we have done and sends his Spirit as a fire against the evil remaining in our hearts. But his fire does not destroy us; instead, it makes us new.

If we are honest, we can admit that often our response to evil is not like God's. We return evil for evil; we hold grudges and gossip; we are impatient; we have fits of rage; we stuff our anger and become depressed. We are all too familiar with the non-redemptive ways to express our anger.

This conference will teach us God's redemptive and merciful way of dealing with what is wrong in this world. The general sessions and breakouts will describe what it looks like to respond redemptively when things go wrong in our home, our churches, our workplaces, and our community. We will strive, by God's grace, to apply the gospel to the details of life so that we can display Christ to a watching world.

Conference Details

  • Conference Dates: Friday, November 11, 2005 to Sunday, November 13, 2005
  • Conference Location: Valley Forge, PA

Product Details

  • 6 General Sessions + 11 Breakout Sessions (18 hours of audio)
  • Outlines & Slides not available with this product
  • 623 MB

General Sessions

Anger – One of God’s Most Beautiful Characteristics
Paul David Tripp

Creation (A Just Anger) and Fall (A Corrupt Anger)
David Powlison

Redemption – A Merciful Anger
David Powlison

Sanctification – A Transforming Anger
David Powlison

The Boldness We Fear – Biblical Anger
Steve Brown

The Masks We Wear – Biblical Authenticity
Steve Brown

Breakout Sessions

Anger – The Universal Addiction
John F. Bettler

Anger and Marriage
Winston Smith

Anger Within Church Leadership
Steve Estes

Angry Teens – Start with Your Own Heart
Paul David Tripp

Conflict – Dealing with Your Own Anger
Tim Lane

Faced With Anger
Jayne Clark

Glorifying Revenge – Reversing Societal Patterns of Hatred
Bill Smith

Helping Angry Children – Targeting Heart and Behavior
Mike Emlet

How to Counsel the Angry Person
Ed Welch

Living with an Angry Spouse
Ed Welch

Practicing Forgiveness: Responding to Anger Wisely
Tim Lane