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Hope for Broken Relationships: 2006 National Conference Download


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Brokenness... it's part of your world and every relationship you've ever had. It makes your life messy, painful, and unpredictable. It makes you desperate for grace.

The family God intended as a place of refuge can be a place where you experience life's deepest hurts and rejections. Marriages struggle too, with everything from communication breakdowns to adultery, abuse, and divorce. Churches and society bear the weight of brokenness as they grapple with racism, the gap between rich and poor, and other widespread social sins.

Jesus himself faced all of this brokenness, but he faced it on our behalf. He willingly entered our world to be broken for us, so that we and our relationships might be made whole. He was despised, rejected, misunderstood, falsely accused, and crucified for us, so that in him we would find forgiveness, hope for reconciliation, and the ability to honor, love, respect, and care for one another. This is the wholeness God had in mind when he created us.

This conference looks at ways sin has shattered the community God intended us to have with him and one another. But it will go further, to demonstrate how God's grace can reconcile us to him and others. Brokenness does not have the final say when our redeeming God is active in his people. Hope does. This conference will help renew your hope in the God who restores broken relationships.

Conference Details

  • Conference Dates: Friday, November 10, 2006 to Sunday, November 12, 2006
  • Conference Location: Valley Forge, PA

Product Details

  • 6 General Sessions + 18 Breakout Sessions (24 hours of audio)
  • Outlines & Slides not available with this product
  • 886 MB

General Sessions

Breakout Sessions