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Running Scared: 2007 National Conference Download


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6 general sessions and 16 breakout sessions

"Do not be afraid..." The most repeated command in the Bible - by a landslide. By the time you read the first hundred verses telling you not to be afraid, you get the message. You are afraid! You, of course, already know that. What you don't know is that everyone around you is also running scared - afraid of danger, disease, death, disapproval, disappointment, and countless other things.

As you keep listening to the God who speaks to fearful people, you find that he is revealing as much about himself as he is about you. He is the God of peace and rest, and he invites you into that rest. And what an invitation it is. God's most beautiful words of comfort are for the fearful, anxious, and panic-stricken.

This digital set contains all 23 sessions from the conference.

Conference Details

  • Conference Dates: Friday, November 2, 2007 to Sunday, November 4, 2007
  • Conference Location: Valley Forge, PA

Product Details

  • 6 General Sessions + 16 Breakout Sessions (22 hours of audio)
  • Outlines & Slides not available with this product
  • 1 GB

General Sessions

Do Not Be Afraid
Ed Welch

Fearless Forever
Paul David Tripp

Fearless Today
Ed Welch

Running Scared, Straight to God
Tim Lane

What Does Fear Say About Me?
Ed Welch

What Is Fear?
Ed Welch

Breakout Sessions

But Doesn’t God Scare Us Into Obeying Him?
Bill Smith

Facing Death
David Powlison

Fear After Victimization
Sarah Lipp

Fear Run Amok – Help for Those Who Struggle with OCD
Mike Emlet

Go Away, I Need You
Winston Smith

Gripping Fears
David Powlison

Growing Up Scared
Julie Lowe

Living in a Frightening World
Bill Smith

Looking at God from Ground Zero
Carolyn Custis James

Lost in the Middle: Three Fears You Will Not Avoid
Paul David Tripp

Playing It Safe – A Response to Fear
Jayne Clark

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Tim Lane

Responding in Crisis
Paul Randolph

Shutting Up Because of the Fear of Speaking Up!
John Leonard

The Fearful Parent
Winston Smith

The Lord is My Shepherd, I Shall Not…Fear
Doug Green