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The Addict in Us All: 2008 National Conference Download


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The Addict in Us All: Addictions…sounds ominous, doesn’t it? The mind drifts to the junkie scoring dope and the husband who hides Jack Daniels in the back of the toilet. Now notice what happens when you take the same idea, but use a word like temptation—temptation that doesn’t take no for an answer or won’t surrender without a fierce fight. Do you see what just happened? Your mind races from drugs, to gambling, to shopping, to eating, to sexual addictions, to people pleasing, and, of course, to you. Desires run amok. Welcome to the human heart.

The Bible is quite savvy when it comes to our temptations. God, after all, knows the human heart and sees everything. But there is more. Contrary to expectations, God goes into the streets, the alleys, the bars to find the addicted and the stuck and offer them freedom.

The aim of this conference is to accurately describe how God pursues and frees stuck people. Prepare to be inspired. And, in keeping with how God speaks to the nitty-gritty details of life, prepare to be equipped with specific strategies and skills for your life and ministry.

Conference Details

  • Conference Dates: Friday, November 14, 2008 to Sunday, November 16, 2008
  • Conference Location: Valley Forge, PA

Product Details

  • 5 General Sessions + 13 Breakout Sessions (18 hours of audio)
  • Outlines & Slides not available with this product
  • 756 MB

General Sessions

Addiction, Temptation, and Voluntary SlaveryEd Welch

Escape to Reality | David Powlison

Glory: The New Testament and AddictionMike Emlet

Godly Intoxication | Tim Lane

Slavery: The Old Testament and Addiction | Winston Smith

Breakout Sessions

Addicted to LoveLeslie Vernick

Addicted to ReligionDavid Powlison

Addiction to Yes: The Approval Junkie | Winston Smith

Counseling Addicts in Your Church: The Do’s and Don’ts of Effective Ministry | Jeffrey S. Black

Counseling Strategies for Individuals with Addictions | Philip Monroe

Fighting the Urge | Tim Lane

Learning to Walk in the Desert: Helping Those Struggling with Sexual Addictions Understand and Grow in Grace | John Freeman

Manipulation: The Subtle Addiction | Elliott Greene

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Body Image and Addiction to Appearance | Julie Lowe

Self-Deception: A Supporting Column of Addiction | Diane Langberg

Teens and Addiction | Ed Welch

This Is Your Brain on Drugs | Mike Emlet

Walking a Mile in the Addict’s Shoes | Heather L. Rice