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Psychiatric Disorders: 2011 National Conference Download


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6 general sessions and 20 breakout sessions

How do you help someone who seems too hard to reach? Who’s the person behind the diagnosis? The church tends to back away from complex problems. Psychiatry is tasked with addressing these problems, but every thoughtful psychiatrist knows that troubled people need more than meds: they need meaning and relationship.

The goal of this conference is to equip you with a clearer understanding of complex problems, a compassion for troubled people, and the ability to engage with strugglers and helpers in the church and the world. Speakers include David Powlison, Ed Welch, Mike Emlet, and Tim Lane.

Conference Details

  • Conference Dates: Friday, October 21, 2011 to Sunday, October 23, 2011
  • Conference Location: Louisville, KY

Product Details

  • 6 General Sessions + 20 Breakout Sessions (25 hours of audio)
  • Outlines & Slides not available with this product
  • 964 MB

General Sessions

Making Sense of Complex Problems
David Powlison

The Local Church: A Safe Place to Struggle?
Tim Lane

Understanding Labels and Diagnoses
Mike Emlet

Understanding Psychiatric Treatments
Mike Emlet

What is Going on Inside? Understanding the Human Experience
David Powlison

What You Can Do to Help
Ed Welch

Breakout Sessions

Abnormalizing the Normal
Tim Lane

Assessing and Counseling a Person with Suicidal Thoughts
Aaron Sironi

DSM Primer
John Applegate

Hallucinations: Is It Time to Talk About the Devil?
Ed Welch

How Can My Church Help?
Steve Viars

Ministering to those with Traumatic Brain Injury
Stuart Scott

Mirror, Mirror On the Wall: Body Image Distortions
Julie Lowe & David Powlison

Out of Control: Understanding Anxiety Disorders
Bob Kellemen

Pastoral Care for Fearful, Needy People
Tim Lane

Psychiatric Disorders in Children
Julie Lowe

PTSD and Sexual Abuse: Surviving the Trauma with Hope
Cecelia Bernhardt

PTSD and Veterans
Alasdair Groves

Quieting the Inner Voices of Social Phobia
Monica Kim

Religious OCD
Mike Emlet

Sexual Addiction
Alasdair Groves

The Psychiatrist’s Toolbox
John Applegate

Understanding Depression: Weakness, Willfulness or Wisdom?
Eric Johnson

Understanding Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
Winston Smith

Walking Alongside a Person Diagnosed with Bipolar
Sam Williams

Walking Alongside Emotionally Volatile People
Winston Smith