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For Better and for Worse: Loving over the Long Haul (Part 3)


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This is Part 3 of a 4-part talk: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4

Marriage often shows us how difficult it is to love. This workshop will help you to make the connections between knowing Christ, changing your heart, and loving your spouse to improve your marriage as well as your relationships with others.

In the third of a four-part series, Winston Smith shows how Jesus loves his bride, his enemies, and sinners. Smith points out that showing love toward others may mean we disappoint them. Jesus loved those who were often disappointed and angered because his love didn’t look the way they wanted it to. There’s a great difference between following Christ and making people happy. But how can we do this with humility? Smith examines the call of Christ and what grace looks like in marriage and relationships. He concludes with a reminder that we cannot love perfectly and that’s why Jesus came—to replace our imperfect substitutions and give us his Spirit.