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Emotions: 2016 National Conference Download


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Emotions are core to human experience. Because we are created in God’s image, we are made to respond from the depths of our heart to his creation, as He does. Because of this our emotions are a central component of both our worship and our identity. Yet this also makes our emotions a vulnerable target in both our sins and our sufferings. Both the church and the culture often try to resolve the tensions inherent in our emotions by denying either their beauty or their danger. So how then do we stand up to our emotions without treating them as an enemy? How do we express them well without being led away by them? How can we learn to worship in every emotional state? Listen as we study God’s word and how it teaches us to engage the expressions of our hearts.

Conference Details

  • Conference Dates: Friday, October 14, 2016 to Sunday, October 16, 2016
  • Conference Location: Chattanooga, TN

Product Details

  • 8 General Sessions + 20 Breakout Sessions (21 hours of audio)
  • Outlines & Slides included
  • 1.3 GB

General Sessions

Breakout Sessions