JBC Volume 20:3 (Spring 2002) PDF
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Add to cartPurchase a digital copy of the Journal of Biblical Counseling volume 20:3. The mission of the Journal of Biblical Counseling (JBC) is to develop clear thinking and effective practice in biblical counseling. We seek to do this through publishing articles that faithfully bring the God of truth, mercy and power to the issues that face pastoral ministries of counseling and discipleship. The Journal of Biblical Counseling (JBC) is currently published three times per year, available in both print and digital subscriptions.
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Table of Contents
- Does the Shoe Fit? David Powlison
Personal Ministry
- How Theology Shapes Ministry: Jay Adams’ View of the Flesh and an Alternative Edward Welch
- A Nouthetic Philosophy of Ministry Interview with Steve Viars
- Genre-Sensitive Use of the Psalms in Counseling Ken Langley
- Modern Idolatry: Understanding and Overcoming the Attraction of Your Broken Cisterns Lou Going
- Church Discipline: God’s Search and Rescue Plan David Edling
Let Me Draw a Picture
- The Discipleship River Steve Viars
Public Ministry
- The Prayer of Jabez Richard Craven
Book Review
- The Bible and Homosexual Practice by Robert Gagnon Edward T. Welch
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