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JBC Volume 3:2 (1979) PDF


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Purchase a digital copy of the Journal of Biblical Counseling volume 3:2. The mission of the Journal of Biblical Counseling (JBC) is to develop clear thinking and effective practice in biblical counseling. We seek to do this through publishing articles that faithfully bring the God of truth, mercy and power to the issues that face pastoral ministries of counseling and discipleship. The Journal of Biblical Counseling (JBC) is currently published three times per year, available in both print and digital subscriptions.

Consider the subscription options here and the Kindle editions here.

Table of Contents


  • Design for a Theological Seminary Jay Adams


  • Nouthetic Counseling and Church Growth Lloyd P. Jonas
  • ‘Sufferology’: Counseling Toward Adjustment in Suffering Howard E. Dial
  • Preparing for Congregational Involvement in Counseling Howard A. Eyrich
  • The Use of Scripture in Nouthetic Counseling Edward E. Hindson
  • Three Bible Studies Howard A. Eyrich
  • Book Reviews
    Peoplemaking by Virginia Satir Jeff Boer
    The Marriage Encounter by Dr. Chuck Gallagher, S.J. Earl L. Cook

Medicine and Health

  • Migraine Headache Bob Smith
  • Pastoral Psychopharmacology Joseph R. Vander Veer, Jr., M.D.
  • Medical News of Interest to the Nouthetic Counselor
  • Your Good Health Bob Smith


  • Literacy and Evangelism (Editor’s Preface) Milton Fisher
  • Literacy Opens Closed Doors Robert F. Rice

Para Christianity

  • Brigham Young’s False Teaching That Adam Is God Chris Alex Vlachos
  • The Present Day Revival of the Illuminati Theory G. Richard Fisher
  • Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Gospel of the Resurrection Kurt Goedelman
  • News Notes
  • Book Briefs


  • Benefiting from a Heart Attack by a Nouthetic Counselor


  • Study of Taped Sermons Jay Adams

Hebrew Helps for Busy Pastors (Part 2)

  • Prepared by Milton Fisher in collaboration with Dwight Zeller


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