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When Mercy Hits the Street (Part 4)


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This is Part 4 of a 4-part talk: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

When we bring the hope of the gospel to suffering people, it is important to do this not only in word but in deed. The gospel embodies a theology that is lived out in practical ministry within the local church and community. This workshop will help you structure your entire church to be a community of care for the hurting, and mobilize your diaconate for effective ministry to people in need.


In the last of this four-part talk, Jeff White reminds us that Jesus is at work and calls us into that work through the Holy Spirit to be his hands and feet in the world. White reminds us that the gospel brings both comfort to the disconsolate and discomfort to those who are too comfortable. He concludes with practical discussion of what mercy ministry looks like and important considerations in establishing this ministry in your congregation.