How People Change
Written byPaul David TrippTim Lane
What does it take for lasting change to take root in your life? If you've ever tried, failed, and wondered why, you need to read How People Change. This book explains the biblical pattern for change in a clear and practical way that you can apply to the challenges of daily life. But change involves more than a biblical formula; therefore, you will see how God is at work to make you the person you were created to be. That powerful, loving, redemptive relationship is at the heart of all positive change you experience.
How People Change includes a foreword by David Powlison.
Book Details
230 pages
Publisher: New Growth Press
Publication Year: 2006
Chapter 1 - The Gospel Gap
Chapter 2 - Counterfeit Hopes
Chapter 3 - Here's Where God Is Taking You
Chapter 4 - Married to Christ
Chapter 5 - Change Is a Community Project
Chapter 6 - The Big Picture
Chapter 7 - Heat 1: God in the Real World
Chapter 8 - Heat 2: You in the Real World
Chapter 9 - Thorns 1: What Entangles You?
Chapter 10 - Thorns 2: Why Do You Get Entangled?
Chapter 11 - Cross 1: New Identity and New Potential
Chapter 12 - Cross 2: The Cross and Daily Living
Chapter 13 - Fruit 1: Real Heart Change
Chapter 14 - Fruit 2: New and Surprising Fruit
Chapter 15 - One Couple's Story
Chapter 16 - One Church's Story