“Have you ever noticed that sometimes even more important than what someone says is how they say it? Have you ever noticed that sometimes we say things and we don’t even know what’s going on inside of ourselves as we say them? We take a unique approach to this question today, actually looking at the whole question of ‘what happens in the moment, in a conversation, in counseling or over coffee, when we look at it through the lens of existential psychology?’ This is a return to our ‘Best of Psychology’ podcast, in which we recognize that Biblical Counseling as a movement has done a lot of good work thinking about the challenges that we have for secular psychology. But I wanted to add a voice on the other side saying, ‘what is it where we’ve seen secular psychology give us things, give us thoughts that are helpful?’ We hope that you enjoy today’s conversation.” Host, Alasdair Groves
This is part 2 of a 3 part series: Part 1 | Part 3
Working with what is right in front of you
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Alasdair Groves
Executive Director
Alasdair is the Executive Director of CCEF, as well as a faculty member and counselor. He has served at CCEF since 2009. He holds a master of divinity with an emphasis in counseling from Westminster Theological Seminary. Alasdair cofounded CCEF New England, where he served as director for ten years. He also served as the director of CCEF’s School of Biblical Counseling for three years. He is the host of CCEF’s podcast, Where Life & Scripture Meet, and is the coauthor of Untangling Emotions (Crossway, 2019).