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How Can Talking about Yourself Help Someone Else?

Presented byDavid Powlison

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How Can Talking about Yourself Help Someone Else? How can you talk about yourself in a way that is loving, helpful, right, and constructive? You reveal crucial aspects of who you are, what you believe, and what you value in every conversation—whether you want to or not. Other people are helped when you intently, personally, and wisely engage with them. We know this experientially. The people who most influence us for good share themselves, not just their ideas or advice. We also know this biblically. For example, Jesus, Paul, and David are intentionally self-revealing. The impact of their love and their words is intimately connected to their honesty. God enters into relationship with us by “self-disclosure.” It sounds a bit stuffy to speak of it as “his self-revelation in word and deed.” What it means is that God shows who he is, what he is like, how he thinks, what he does, how he feels, what his purposes are, what he loves and hates, what he wills. Click here to download the slides from this session.

This lecture is from the 2013 National Conference, “Not Alone: The Relational Core of Life and Counseling.”

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