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October 10, 2023

An Exciting Update from CCEF

Dear friends,

You may notice that our website looks different than it did last week. Our logo has been updated. We’re using new colors. Our website looks different. Over the past year, we’ve invested time and money to bring clarity, consistency, and excellence to our branding. To be honest, I was skeptical about this project at first. So let me take just a moment to explain why I ultimately found this effort worthwhile and ask you to pray with us for it to bear its intended fruit.

This update is meant to improve our digital hospitality. Given that so many of our interactions occur online—whether through online courses, virtual conferences, or resources on our website—we want to ensure that your experience is consistent with the life-giving nature of biblical counseling. Our hope is to improve our digital hospitality through a faster website, more cohesion across the different branches of our ministry, and clear and welcoming web pages.

This process has compelled us to gain clarity about who we are and what we’re trying to accomplish. Considering how to represent and communicate about our ministry through design and branding has borne much fruit in our own thinking about what we do and why.

We’ve worked to steward the tension of remaining true to our past and taking serious the needs of moving into the future. You’ll notice that our logo has an updated look but remains a cross with a leaf. With a new look, who we are and what we do is not changing. Our mission remains the same: to continue restoring Christ to counseling and counseling to the church in increasingly helpful ways in the years to come. 

I hope you’ll explore our website and interact with our material, and I hope you’ll see and experience a biblical counseling organization continuing a long legacy of bringing hope to those in need, all the while seeking to invite future generations into this mission as effectively and faithfully as possible. Would you pray that the Lord would make it so for many years to come?

alasdair groves


Alasdair Groves

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