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August 8, 2024

Announcing Our New Dean of Faculty

It is with great joy that I announce our new Dean of Faculty! David “Gunner” Gundersen starts September 9, and we are looking forward to him joining the team for many reasons, of which I’ll share three.

First and foremost, Gunner loves the Lord, loves Scripture, and loves people. This is evident in his resume, which includes a PhD with a dissertation in the Psalms as well as his role as a senior pastor for the past seven years. It was evident in his patience, encouragement, and eagerness to bring comfort and hope from Scripture to a weary friend when I watched him counsel. It's evident in the way he takes passages both seriously and worshipfully when preaching.

Second, the Dean position is fundamentally about shepherding our faculty and about helping set and sustain the vision of CCEF. Gunner brings experience in team building and leadership. Already he’s had fresh ideas that have me excited for our faculty’s coming season . . . and he hasn’t even started yet.

Third, Gunner loves the local church. He was clear with me that the only reason he could step out of his role as a pastor was because he heard a deep desire in CCEF’s heart to support, encourage, and provide resources for churches, and he saw the opportunity as doubling down on his love for the local church, not stepping away from it.

Gunner, his wife Cindi, and three of their teenagers will be coming our way soon, with their oldest starting college, so please pray for everyone involved as Gunner joins the team and seeks to help us grow into the coming season of ministry!

With gratitude to the Lord,

Alasdair Groves
Executive Director

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