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Book cover for Addictions: A Banquet in the Grave

Addictions: A Banquet in the Grave

Written byEd Welch

Addiction is a worship disorder. Will we worship ourselves and our own desires, or will we worship the true God?

Scripture reveals addicts’ true condition: like guests at a banquet thrown by “the woman Folly,” they are already in the grave (Prov. 9:13–18). Can we not escape our addictions?

Ed Welch shows us that when we are following Jesus we have “immense hope that God can give power so that we are no longer mastered by the addiction.”

Book Details

299 pages
Publisher: P&R Publishing
Publication Year: 2001


Part 1: Thinking Theologically
Chapter 1 – Practical Theology
Chapter 2 – Sin, Sickness, or Both?
Chapter 3 – New Ways of Seeing
Chapter 4 – The Descent into Addiction
Part 2: Essential Theological Themes
Chapter 5 – Speaking the Truth in Love
Chapter 6 – Respecting, Listening, and Inviting
Chapter 7 – Knowing the Lord
Chapter 8 – Fearing the Lord
Chapter 9 – Turning from Lies
Chapter 10 – Saying “No”
Chapter 11 – Staying Violent
Chapter 12 – Being Part of the Body
Conclusion: Where Two or Three Are Gathered

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