JBC Must Reads: On Marriage Counseling
Written byAaron SironiLauren WhitmanWinston Smith
The mission of the Journal of Biblical Counseling (JBC) is to develop clear thinking and effective practice that faithfully brings God’s Word to bear on the problems of daily living. Over the decades, we have published more than 1,000 articles on a variety of counseling topics. The Must Reads series is a helpful entryway into this wealth of material. Each issue provides a group of carefully selected articles on an important topic such as sexuality, anxiety, counseling methodology and counseling in the church.
This issue in the Must Reads contains several articles on marriage counseling that were written by CCEF faculty. These articles are practical and skills-based. We hope they will help you to navigate the complexities of speaking into the most intimate of relationships as they experience difficulties.
Book Details
140 pages
Publisher: CCEF
Publication Year: 2022
Format: Paperback Book
How to Begin Marriage Counseling — Lauren Whitman
When NOT to Do Marriage Counseling — Winston T. Smith
Helping a Spouse Who Withdraws during Conflict — Aaron Sironi and Lauren Whitman
Helping a Spouse Who Moves Against during Marital Conflict — Aaron Sironi and Lauren Whitman
Helping Spouses Move Toward Each Other in Conflict — Aaron Sironi and Lauren Whitman
Dawning Insights and Changing Agendas — Winston T. Smith