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Book cover for Sex Before Marriage: How Far Is Too Far?

Sex Before Marriage: How Far Is Too Far?

Written byTim Lane

"If we're in love, what's wrong with having sex before marriage? And even if we're not, isn't everyone else doing it? Why should we be the only ones who wait?" Have you ever thought or said things like this? If your answer is yes, you have a lot of company. Most people in our world agree with you that, at least in some circumstances, premarital sex is okay. But do you know what God says about this issue?

Timothy S. Lane clearly explains God's perspective on your sexuality and how it should be expressed. Many people think God says in the Bible that sex is inherently bad and sinful, but nothing could be further from the truth. God is not a killjoy; his guidelines for your sexuality are for your help and protection. This booklet's forthright and honest look at sexuality, including a discussion of "How far is too far?" will be an invaluable resource for young adults and those who minister to them.

Book Details

32 pages
Publisher: New Growth Press
Publication Year: 2009

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