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Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands Curriculum

Paul David Tripp’s best-selling book, Instruments in the Redeemer’s Handsopened the eyes of thousands of men and women within the church to how they can be part of the change process in others’ lives. This interactive small group resource is based on the book and designed to help small groups, Sunday school classes, and others explore together the practical ways God works out change in his people.

Coming alongside others in biblical change is a community process, and it’s often messy. Through twelve lessons, homework discussions, and “Make It Real” life applications, the Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands Study Guide helps participants grasp the lasting change they so desperately desire—while working together.

The small group study series includes a DVD, study guide, and facilitator’s guide. God uses his people as tools of change. With these resources, find out how you can be a part of that change in your personal or church-wide ministry. The curriculum is designed to be used as a stand-alone set and does not require the purchase of the original book.

About the Instructors

Timothy S. Lane, MDiv, DMin, is a minister in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) with over 30 years of experience in pastoral ministry, counseling, teaching, and executive leadership. He is the author of several minibooks and the coauthor of the books How People Change and Relationships: A Mess Worth Making and the curricula Change and Your Relationships and How People Change. Tim speaks internationally, consults with churches, and writes about the importance of pastoral care.

Paul David Tripp, M.Div., D.Min., is president of Paul Tripp Ministries whose mission is to educate and equip today’s Christian by combining the in-depth study of God’s Word with practical life application. Paul is also a pastor with over fifteen years of pastoral ministry experience and the author of several best-selling titles including: Instruments in the Redeemer’s HandsAge of OppurtunityLost in the Middle, and How People Change. Paul is married to Luella and has four grown children.

Purchase Options

instruments in the redeemer's hands

Study Guide

instruments in the redeemer's hands

Facilitator's Guide

Book/DVD Details

Study Guide: 144 pages
Facilitator’s Guide: 176 pages
DVD: 2 Disc DVD Set (330 minutes)
Publisher: New Growth Press
Publication Year: 2011

Contents (Study Guide, Facilitator's Guide, and DVD (Includes Run Times in parentheses))

  • Bonus Material for Leaders
  • Introduction (2:00)
  • Lesson 1: Do We Really Need Help? (24:14)
  • Lesson 2: The Heart Is the Target (27:33)
  • Lesson 3: Understanding Your Heart Struggle (29:26)
  • Lesson 4: Following the Wonderful Counselor (20:06)
  • Lesson 5: Love I: Building Relationships in Which God’s Work Will Thrive (25:50)
  • Lesson 6: Love II: Building Relationships in Which God’s Work With Thrive (23:10)
  • Lesson 7: Know I: Getting to Know People; Discovering Where Change Is Needed (25:11)
  • Lesson 8: Know II: Getting to Know People; Discovering Where Change Is Needed (25:00)
  • Lesson 9: Speak I: Speaking the Truth in Love (23:04)
  • Lesson 10: Speak II: Speaking the Truth in Love (26:47)
  • Lesson 11: Do I: Applying Change to Everyday Life (19:11)
  • Lesson 12: Do II: Applying Change to Everyday Life (36:13)
  • Conclusion (21:44)

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