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Paul David Tripp

Grumbling—A Look At A “Little” Sin

Journal of Biblical Counseling 18:2

In this article, Paul Tripp presents a sermon from Deuteronomy 1:19-35 on grumbling and thankfulness. Tripp argues that grumbling is one of those “little sins” that everyone does, but it is very serious from God’s point of view. Tripp maintains that it can play a major role in producing and complicating problems such as depression that we tend to see as major counseling problems. He proceeds to display the differences between a “complaint-based lifestyle” and a “thank-based lifestyle.” Tripp concludes that, in the Bible’s view, our problems are more mundane than extraordinary…This is the hope of the gospel: Jesus refused to grumble, so that in your grumbling there would be forgiveness.

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