About CCEF
Copyright Permissions
Permissions Overview
CCEF resources are generally intended for personal use only (unless otherwise licensed) and are protected under US Copyright law. CCEF reserves all rights to resources. As such, any individual wishing to duplicate, distribute, create a derivative work (such as a translation), broadcast, or publicly display resources must submit a permissions application in order to request additional permissions.
The decision to grant permissions involves a variety of factors including whether or not the author is a current employee, whether the resource is part of another published work (i.e., a book, a minibook, etc.), whether or not the resource has already been translated (for translation requests), and the type, nature, and duration of the request.
Permissions can be a complicated process and involves multiple layers of consideration including publishing contracts, rights to translation, etc. Because of this, many organizations outsource their permissions process to copyright businesses that regularly work with copyrighted print and digital media. CCEF has a relationship with Copyright Clearance Center (CCC). Academic institutions and libraries are encouraged to utilize the American Theological Library Association's ATLAS PLUS product available through EBSCOhost for Journal of Biblical Counseling access requests.
We know that individuals and churches often want to duplicate and distribute our resources and are unable to afford the prices through CCC. Our desire is to provide an alternative in-house permissions process as a courtesy to our customers who normally would not utilize a larger copyright center for their requests.
Permissions FAQs
We receive a variety of questions about whether or not permission is required to use various CCEF resources. To better assist you, answers to some of these questions are listed below:
Process for Requesting Copyright Permissions
Due to the variety of requests we receive, we have implemented the following permissions application process for individuals and small organizations.
Academic institutions and libraries seeking to use JBC articles on an ongoing basis should seek permission through the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) or via a subscription to the American Theological Library Association's AtlaSerials PLUS product available through EBSCOhost.
Permissions Application
Before submitting an application, please refer to the permissions process above. To request permission for a resource that you own, please submit the applicable form below. If you do not see a form for your specific request, please select the one that most closely matches your requested permission.
Blog Post
Conference Audio
JBC Article
School of Biblical Counseling
Translations of Blogs
Video Permissions (non-curriculum)
Books & Minibooks
The majority of CCEF printed books and booklets/minibooks are under contract with our publishing partners. As such, CCEF outsources management of permissions for books and minibooks to our publishers as part of our publishing contracts. Publishers are also the primary distributors of our books and minibooks.
Permission to use content from these books or minibooks, including text, charts, graphics or any other component of the work, should be directed to the publisher.
To locate the appropriate publisher for your request, please refer to the front matter of the book or look for a publisher on the back cover of the work.
The three main publishers of CCEF materials are P&R Publishing, New Growth Press, and Crossway.

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