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Aaron SironiTim Lane

Special Edition: How church leaders should respond to sexual abuse

June 3, 2016


Dr. Tim Lane and Aaron Sironi lead an hour-long workshop on how church leaders can help members of their congregations through this most difficult and painful of issues.

Length: 59:41


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Aaron Sironi


Aaron is a faculty member and counselor at CCEF, where he has served since 2008. He holds a master of science in marital and family therapy from Fuller Theological Seminary and has earned counseling certificates from CCEF. Aaron is a licensed clinical professional counselor (LCPC) and has counseled in community mental health, psychiatric hospital, and outpatient settings. He has a passion for building strong relationships with local churches and coming alongside pastoral ministers through consultation, training, and counseling services. In addition to his work at CCEF, Aaron serves on the board of CCEF Montana, an affiliate counseling office in Billings, MT.

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