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Addictions: Rewriting an Addict's Story - Download


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Addictions: Rewriting an Addict’s Story by Ed Welch explains the inner-world of addictions and the interplay of tests, temptations and sin in the life of an addict. Ed offers a beautiful story of God’s redemption through Christ and how our own stories can be re-written by the power of what Christ has done for us. Included with the audio is a notebook that can be used as a reference while you listen and for reflection later. Also consider Ed Welch's book, Addictions—A Banquet in the Grave: Finding Hope in the Power of the Gospel.

Addictions: Rewriting an Addict's Story audio:

  • Section 1: The Inner World of Addiction
  • Section 2: Trials, Tests and Temptations in the Garden
  • Section 3: Trials, Tests and Temptations in the Sinai Wilderness
  • Section 4: The New Testament’s Wilderness: A Surprising Ending
  • Section 5: How We Should Pray

5 audio sections with 25 page digital workbook.