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Marriage, Adultery, and God’s Wrath: How the Prophets Express God’s Passion

Presented byMike Kelly

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The Old Testament prophets use the metaphor of marriage and its sexual intimacy to express God’s love for his people and his wrath at their infidelity to him. Why does God use the good (marriage), the bad (adultery), and the ugly (graphic images of sex and destruction) to communicate to us, and what does that tell us about how he wants to be known? The apostle Paul carries this metaphor forward to describe Christ’s relationship to the church. What does this tell us about our union with Christ and how this gospel truth should impact our lives? In this audio talk, Kelly looks at how the prophetic books and their metaphoric images, specifically the metaphor of marriage and its breakdown make us pay attention. God wants us to engage with these images. Kelly walks his listeners through his own story, and brings us to a fresh appreciation of God’s redemption through the beautiful, the bad, and the ugly.

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