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June 10, 2024

“Grace Hunters”

Dear friend,

I’ve always had an affection for nicknames. I’ve given each of my kids half a dozen, some of which they even appreciate. But a couple months ago I witnessed the bestowal of a nickname that was far more than a mere term of endearment, and it encapsulates everything I want CCEF to be about. The nickname was “grace hunter.” Let me explain.

In January, CCEF launched a new course through Westminster Theological Seminary that we’ve been dreaming up for years: Culminating Seminar. This course gives the opportunity for a faculty member to connect with a small group of students to discuss key themes that have arisen in each student’s counseling experience and training, providing personalized feedback as they prepare for ministry after graduation. 

As we popped onto Zoom for our first meeting of the term, the students were understandably nervous to be sharing videos of their counseling with their peers and me. Honestly, I was a little nervous myself! Would our group prove to be as helpful to them as I’d hoped? But within 90 minutes, my fears were gone. The defining moment came when one student was presenting about a counselee who was deeply discouraged and struggling to perceive how God was working in her life. An observing student told the counselor that she loved watching her go on a “grace hunt” in the life of her counselee. 

The observation immediately became the presenter’s nickname and became shorthand for us as we described a critical aspect of our work as counselors: seeing God’s grace in action, calling attention to it, and encouraging those we counsel to step into it all the more. As the semester unfolded, it became a recurring theme among the students— with their counselees, among each other, and in their personal reflections.

A critical aspect of our work as counselors: seeing God’s grace in action, calling attention to it, and encouraging those we counsel to step into it all the more.

At CCEF, we want to see churches blessed by a proliferation of dedicated and gracious counselors with the experience and character to walk alongside those in need. We know it is no small thing for someone to devote themselves to stepping into the darkest places in people’s lives, and to the amount of training such a calling requires.

When you give to CCEF, you’re investing in this important work. Will you consider donating some of the financial grace God has given you in order to equip the next generation of biblical counselors as they prepare to minister to people in their hardest seasons? 

I pray that you and I will seek out and find fresh graces from the Lord today.


Alasdair Groves
Executive Director

P. S. This month, 30 Master of Arts in Counseling students are graduating from Westminster—30 trained counselors going out to serve the church! When you give to CCEF, not only are you making biblical counseling resources more accessible, but you’re giving time and attention to training those who will serve God’s people for years to come.

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